Wisdom & Inspiration 

Holding On To Your Joy During Adversity & Uncertainty

Difficult, trying times reveal far more about us than the good times. This is true for us individually and collectively.

Think about it. What’s the virtue in being joyful when you’re on a roll when everything is clicking for you and going your way, and the world seems like a pretty...

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Will Group Think Win?

What exactly is common sense? Well, my grandmother referred to it as good old-fashioned horse-sense. Have you ever heard of that expression? I prefer to think of common sense as practical wisdom.

I’m talking about usable intelligence, that flows to us instinctively from ordinary life...

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As A Nation Thinketh, So It Becomes

Today, many have an estranged relationship with the truth.

The humorist, Josh Billings put it this way, “It’s what we know that ain’t true that causes us so much trouble.”

Fortunately, the solution is simple.

It is discernment.

I was not the first to do so, and I will...

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How's Life Treating You?

Do you tend to feel really blessed about your life as it is today or do you feel bitter about how things have worked out so far? Or, maybe you fall somewhere in between.

Would you like to achieve more, earn more and become more?

Thoreau once asked, Did you ever hear of a man who has striven all...

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WARNING: You Control The Spotlight!

Based on Philippians 4:8 in the New Testament, the 4:8 Principle states that wherever you focus your attention becomes a bigger part of your experience. This means that the content of your thought life influences your emotional life. The preceding sentence is an understatement. Your devotions...

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